Cross Contour Pinched Gummy |
This image was captured in one of my many numerous evening eating candy. Here you see and image taken with a F6.3 aperture because it was taken indoors with minimal light. I was eating gummy bears and had bit off their limbs and stuck them together to make a Frankenstein's Monster of sorts. The left leg and the torso are an orange gummy, the other leg is a green gummy, both arms are from the same yellow gummy and the head is from a red gummy because red is the best. I the image I had squished the gummy bear to test it's durability, which for the most part was pretty good considering there was nothing but hero own sugars keeping the together. This image had been sitting in my files for some time when the cross contouring assignment led me to look for an image. This image was perfect for this assignment because its curves and vibrant colors gave the picture a lot of definition, even before the contouring. I used a small, semi-hard (more on the hard side) round brush for the contouring. During the process I dragged the shadows into the fingers to tie it more depth and I used curved strokes to give the fingers and gummy bear definition.